Legends of the Lost Jungle Mini Golf – Hole 2: Presented by MiniGolfReviews.com Endorsed by Lomma Championship Miniature Golf Courses

This post is endorsed by Lomma Championship Miniature Golf Courses.

Legends of the Lost Jungle Mini Golf – Hole 2

Holey Moley: America’s Favorite Mini Golfer

Located at Tom Foolery’s in Kalahari Resort

Legends of the Lost Jungle Mini Golf is a nine hole indoor Blacklight course.

The second hole of the Legends of the Lost Jungle Mini Golf course starts off with a transition from an open layout into a closed of section. The hole is a flat space with lighted edging. The hole is on the back left edge behind a large elephant obstacle. The elephant has a split path beneath that either goes straight or out to the right. Additionally there are raised leaf obstacles as well.

Mister Mini Golf Pro Tips

Stick left when hitting under the elephant to hit at the cup and not get redirected.

ADA Accessibility Notes: Legends of the Lost Jungle Mini Golf has 8 out of its 9 holes as ADA accessible.

For more details on course accessibility, always check in with a course you are visiting as they may be able to do additional accommodations. In addition, a great resource is the ADA Checklist for Miniature Golf Courses.

Check out the prior hole here:

Legends of the Lost Jungle Mini Golf – Hole 1

The Legends of the Lost Jungle Mini Golf’s Page is located here:

Legends of the Lost Jungle Mini Golf

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Happy Mini Golfing ⛳️

-Mister Mini Golf

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